Change , originally known as Henge (姮娥), is the goddess of the Moon and wife of Hou Yi, the great archer. Renowned by her beauty, Change is also known for her ascending to the Moon with her pet Yu Tu, the Moon Rabbit and living in the Moon Palace (廣寒宮). She is one of the major goddesses in Chinese mythology, Chinese folk religion, Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. In moder…
子鼠、丑牛、寅虎、卯兔、辰龙、已蛇 、午马、未羊、申猴、酉 …
中央戊己土 是怎么来的
這種顏色能代表你的性格嗎? 畢卡索曾說:「我們盡我們所能看到的,賦予形與色彩自身的意義。 」在心理學中,顏色有它們的個性和特徵,可以影響人的情緒和行為,並應用到生活的各個層面。
兔年2023年犯太歲生肖包括兔、雞、鼠、龍及馬!屬以上生肖的你,運勢方面可能會有極端的好事或劣況降臨。為大家分析兔年犯太歲生肖運勢、攝 ...
長娥 - 子鼠丑牛 -